APollo Platform
APollo is our learning content management system (LCMS) that is unique due to its advanced content delivery options (e.g. interactive videos are accessible via PC/Mac and our native Andriod/iOS apps) and predictive abilities (e.g. student learning diagnostic reports and mastery status).
School teachers and students interact with our APollo platform, where all our learning resources are served.
- Students know exactly where they stand, from both a completion as well as mastery perspective. They are then mapped against the class average, thus leveraging positive social pressure as a motivator.
- 24×7 online tutor support.
- Effective and engaging interactive videos that are usually no more than 9 minutes per lesson.
Based on our diagnostic instruments, we predict students’ scores for their IGCSE exams.
We are also able to provide more finely granulated information (e.g. at a chapter level), and our system is capable of providing both numerals (1 – 9) as well as alphabetical (A* – G) information.
We provide detailed analytics and diagnostic reports.
We provide teachers with deep insights into their students’ learning patterns, knowledge constructs, and misconceptions.
We provide multiple presentations of the insights.
We provide teachers with deep insights into their students’ learning patterns, knowledge constructs, and misconceptions through multiple presentations of the insights, be it from a class, individual student, topic, chapter, or subject level.
Teachers get access to both the interactive videos, as well as insights into their students’ learning!
Teachers have access to all interactive videos that their students have access to, and we even provide diagnostic reports supportive of the flipped classroom model. Also, we offer teachers with concept-specific kahoots to make their in-class lessons even more engaging!

Every interactive video is tracked, and is also interfaced with Kahoot
Videos can be configured such that they support :


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Are you interested to know more about APollo platform?
Send us an email at learn@advancedpedagogy.com